
dinsdag 11 december 2012

#1 Questions about my love for Disney

What is your favorite classic movie?
I think Beauty and the beast, When I was little I always wanted to watch this movie. And my favorite Disney princess is Belle. My second favorite movie is Bambi, because its so cute and sad at the same time.

What is your favorite pixar movie?
Hmm I think Finding Nemo, it is so funny. I love the turtles in the movie! And maybe Brave too because first I wasn't sure if I would like the movie, but it's kinda cool.

Who is your favorite human character?
Belle! Definitely, I love her. She is so inspiring! She loves everything with whole her heart and she read books. That's so cool! I love reading too and she felt in love with a beast..

Who is your favorite animal character?
Bambi, Because it's also my nickname. Why? because of my big eyes haha. Bambi is a sweet deer and I love deers.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een leuke vragen. Cute dat je zo'n Disneylover bent. Ik ben ook schuldig; vooral de traditionele films en liedjes! Liefs
