
maandag 2 september 2013

it's been a while

It's been a while since my last post. So today i've been to the Mediamarkt, they sell Disney dvd's cheaper than anywhere else! So I got Pinocchio and Pete's Dragon for 20 euros both. Really love these two dvd's but didn't had the chance to buy them yet. But now i've got them! I'm happy. Pinocchio is an amazing story about a boy who is make out of wood. His father wishes that he was a real boy and at the end he becomes a real boy. You really need to see this one!

Faith and trust... and a little bit of pixie dust!

dinsdag 23 april 2013

Disneyland Paris here I come~

Just 3 more days till I go back to paris! So this weekend I will be walking in Disneyland, the most beautiful place on earth. I am so excited, it's been a year ago since I went to Disney! I'm going with two other friends and it's their first time. I made a disney goodie bag voor them for fun. We are going by bus so it's like 6 hours driving, gonna be a long long ride haha. I will update you guys when i'm back home.
Have a magical weekend!


dinsdag 26 maart 2013

Disney facts

1. When creating the character Aladdin, the animators studied the movements of MC Hammer’s pants to accurately model the movements of Aladdin’s pants.

2. The song “Part of Your World” was almost excluded from the final version of The Little Mermaid. During a pre-screening of the movie to figure out how successful it would be, the kids didn’t seem to be very interested in the movie. One kid dropped his popcorn and was more intent on picking it up than watching the movie. Because of this, the director came to the conclusion that the song would take away from the movie and was ready to edit it out when Howard Ashman, the lyricist, stepped in. He wanted to keep the song in when the movie was released, and the director consented. Fortunately for him (and Disney fans everywhere), the song became one of the most known and beloved classic songs of it’s time.

3. The “Dumbo the Flying Elephant” ride was originally intended to have pink elephants, referencing the elephants seen during the hallucination scene in the movie. Also, when the ride opened, their were originally 10 elephants and today there are 16.

4. The not-so-secret apartment above the firehouse in Disneyland is actually Walt’s childhood bedroom, removed from his house in Missouri and flown to Anaheim.

5. The character Ralph and his game “Fix-it Felix Jr.” draw inspiration from Donkey Kong. Both games are about a handy-man character climbing up and around a building structure toward the villain on top. Both villains, Donkey Kong and Ralph, are large angry characters with wide hands that toss down objects at the hero. 

6.  Paige O’Hara sobbed real tears while recording Belle’s mourning of the Beast. Her performance was so intense that the director asked her if she was OK, upon which O’Hara immediately dropped out of character and said “Acting!”

zondag 3 februari 2013

I survive off of you.

There have been days when I am convinced I am over you. Then it comes back and hits me all at once, letting me know I never will be. You are the only one who can turn me on. I love you, no matter how sad it makes me. I cannot give up hope of being with you one day. I cannot give up hope that maybe one day you will change your mind. Giving up on that means giving up on a big part of what I live for. I survive off of you.   I will miss you.

vrijdag 25 januari 2013

We're not broken just bent.

We're not broken just bent. And we can learn to love again. You’re the though in my dreams. You’re the vision in my eyes. You’re the sound in my ears. You’re the words in my mouth. You’re everything I need. You’re everything that makes me, me. I don’t know if its just me but i always see the end before things even begin. I see a lovely relationship but i realize its bound to end. We're not meant to be, it's okay I have food and Disney movies..

dinsdag 11 december 2012

#1 Questions about my love for Disney

What is your favorite classic movie?
I think Beauty and the beast, When I was little I always wanted to watch this movie. And my favorite Disney princess is Belle. My second favorite movie is Bambi, because its so cute and sad at the same time.

What is your favorite pixar movie?
Hmm I think Finding Nemo, it is so funny. I love the turtles in the movie! And maybe Brave too because first I wasn't sure if I would like the movie, but it's kinda cool.

Who is your favorite human character?
Belle! Definitely, I love her. She is so inspiring! She loves everything with whole her heart and she read books. That's so cool! I love reading too and she felt in love with a beast..

Who is your favorite animal character?
Bambi, Because it's also my nickname. Why? because of my big eyes haha. Bambi is a sweet deer and I love deers.